Industry Segmentation

Breakdown of industry segmentation for the top 10 sugar substitute products along with estimated percentages


  • Food and beverage industry: 40%
  • Health and wellness industry: 30%
  • Retail industry: 20%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 5%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 5%

Monk fruit sweetener

  • Food and beverage industry: 35%
  • Health and wellness industry: 25%
  • Retail industry: 20%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 10%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 10%


  • Food and beverage industry: 30%
  • Health and wellness industry: 20%
  • Retail industry: 25%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 15%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 10%


  • Food and beverage industry: 25%
  • Health and wellness industry: 20%
  • Retail industry: 30%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 15%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 10%


  • Food and beverage industry: 25%
  • Health and wellness industry: 15%
  • Retail industry: 25%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 20%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 15%


  • Food and beverage industry: 40%
  • Health and wellness industry: 20%
  • Retail industry: 20%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 10%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 10%


  • Food and beverage industry: 45%
  • Health and wellness industry: 15%
  • Retail industry: 15%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 15%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 10%


  • Food and beverage industry: 35%
  • Health and wellness industry: 15%
  • Retail industry: 20%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 20%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 10%


  • Food and beverage industry: 30%
  • Health and wellness industry: 10%
  • Retail industry: 25%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 20%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 15%


  • Food and beverage industry: 30%
  • Health and wellness industry: 10%
  • Retail industry: 20%
  • Pharmaceutical industry: 25%
  • Hospitality and food service industry: 15%

These percentages are estimates and may vary based on market dynamics, product popularity, and industry trends.