Customer Segmentation

Breakdown of customer segmentation for the 10 most popular sugar substitutes by industry along with estimated percentages:

Food and beverage industry: 60%

This segment includes manufacturers of packaged foods, beverages, snacks, and baked goods that use sugar substitutes in their products to cater to various consumer preferences such as low-calorie, diabetic-friendly, or natural alternatives.

Health and wellness industry: 20%

This segment comprises companies producing dietary supplements, protein bars, meal replacements, and other health-focused products that utilize sugar substitutes to provide sweetness without added sugars, targeting health-conscious consumers, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts.

Pharmaceutical industry: 5%

Pharmaceutical companies may incorporate sugar substitutes into medications, supplements, and over-the-counter products to improve taste, enhance palatability, or provide sugar-free options for individuals with dietary restrictions or medical conditions like diabetes.

Hospitality and food service industry: 10%

This segment includes restaurants, cafes, bakeries, and other food service establishments that offer sugar-free or reduced-sugar options to meet the dietary preferences and health needs of their customers, including diabetics, weight-conscious individuals, and those following special diets.

Retail industry: 5%

Retailers such as supermarkets, health food stores, and specialty stores stock a variety of sugar substitutes to meet the diverse needs and preferences of their customers, offering both mainstream and niche products catering to different dietary lifestyles and health concerns.